Is email marketing good for small business?

Using emails to conduct marketing activities and reaching out to the audience is email marketing. Every now and then, we receive emails from different brands with their products and offers. Email marketing is a two-fold process where the sender and the receiver have their interests. 

Benefits of Email Marketing For Small Businesses

Emailmarketing strategy for small businesses has multiple benefits that can help grow and scale up your business. Enjoy the following perks of email marketing and generate leads for higher ROI and sales.

1. Permission-based marketing form 

It is in bad taste to enter someplace uninvited. Sending your customer an email is equivalent to entering into someone’s space, but you should do so only with permission. The customer trusts you with their email address when they subscribe or sign-up for your newsletters. The permission lets you engage with the customer and develops a cordial relationship with a probable lead to initiate the conversion process. 

2. Direct contact with your prospects

Direct email marketing lets you interact with your customers directly through an email campaign. The email reaches directly in their inbox, their personal space. It is an excellent way of building and nurturing a relationship with a potential lead since it allows direct communication. 99% of people usually check their emails daily because of easy access to mobiles and other devices. It is highly likely that when you send an email, your customer will view it. 

3. Sales booster 

Whoever thinks email marketing is no longer an ideal form of marketing must be surprised to hear that 66% of the customers make an online purchase because of an email. Email marketing is a trigger for impulse buying, so there are good chances that the customer, if impressed by your email, will likely make a purchase right after viewing your email.

Emails encourage you to complete your purchase if you abandon the cart on your way out. Automated emails help increase sales revenue. 

4. Measurable impact 

The effectiveness of email marketing strategy for small businesses is easy to measure with marketing automation. When you automate the process, you get a complete analysis of your marketing performance. The success rate of the automated process is high.  Improving emails is relatively straightforward when there is a detailed analysis of open, click-through, bounce rates, and other analytics. 

5. Growth opportunities

You can mold email marketing strategies to scale your opportunities without extra strain on your budget or resources. Email marketing is a flexible process that incorporates different elements without compromising on quality. With a bit of personalization, an improvement upon the existing designs, scheduling, and other tricks, you can scale your campaigns to have an enhanced effect on the audience. 

6. High ROI  

Compared to print media and traditional direct marketing channels, email marketing is relatively cheaper, cost-effective, and has a higher rate of return. As mentioned above, for every $1 you spend on email marketing, your return is $42. This is a fair deal considering numerous other benefits email marketing has for small businesses. It is a cost-effective solution for mass communication campaigns. 

8. High customer retention rate 

Emails are a great way to boost engagement between the company and customers. Consistent communication and engagement between two entities can build a strong relationship of trust and reliability. Higher the trust more will be the customer retention rate. You can now reach your customer wherever they are, through their inbox. 


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